In 1949, Arthur C. Clarke published a story about a tribe of nomadic humans in a future where the Earth has entered its final ice age. In the story, the nomads head to the equator carrying relics from the 21st century they consider sacred, though the functions of these objects have long since been forgotten. Before the extinction, the relics are safely relocated on a mountain that stands between the two growing bodies of ice.
Was it an apple that was eaten?
ReplyDeleteIt was poetically cold pizza.
DeleteAlso, what was in the bag?
ReplyDeleteA couple weeks worth of clothes, jewelry.
DeleteThe first rule of asking such a question is to know the answer before you ask it. She should have known better. Or maybe she did.
ReplyDeleteIn 1949, Arthur C. Clarke published a story about a tribe of nomadic humans in a future where the Earth has entered its final ice age. In the story, the nomads head to the equator carrying relics from the 21st century they consider sacred, though the functions of these objects have long since been forgotten. Before the extinction, the relics are safely relocated on a mountain that stands between the two growing bodies of ice.
ReplyDeletesounds pretty catholic. although to be fair, they've got the best function of all: to be sacred.
DeleteI hope the nomads brought the pizza~